MHC Custom Engineers All New Ductwork

With a Manual-D Design Using Rigid Metal Trunk Lines, Plenums and Transitions With External Insulation.

Duct systems are designed using a trunk and branch method, NEVER a radial method, also sometimes referred to as a spider web or spider leg design). 


The trunk and branch method allows exact control of the volume of air (measured in cubic feet per minute or cfm) delivered to each room or location and reduces the friction rate allowing for a more efficient system.  In some applications, this even allows a system with a lower capacity to comfortably heat and cool a home or office.  The result is not only a lower initial investment but long-term savings on energy costs.  Many older systems and even some newer systems from less reputable contractors have been installed using a radial style. Thus airflow has never been calculated and cannot be controlled. 


NO DUCT BOARD will be used.  Some contractors still use duct board made of compressed, glued-together, glass fibers.  Duct board lends to poor installation as it is often simply cut with a knife and taped together causing the joints to split open and as a result, only lasts a few years.


Outdoor Equipment Installation:  MHC will install most outdoor units on 3” polymer pads (rather than the typical 2”) and with a gravel base when possible.  This helps eliminate noise from the outdoor unit and allows for less chance of ground fluctuation due to freezing and thawing.  Heat pumps will also be installed on snow legs to allow condensation to drain to the pad or ground avoiding damage to the equipment from standing water or water that freezes in the unit during cold weather.

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